Train wagon (MOC)

My first (and most likely only) entry for the 2020 Brick Train Awards. Although it's a rather simple MOC, it happens to be my first train - related build ever, so I wanted to go with something easy. This MOC was an attempt to build a wagon used to carry crates and barrels along the railroad. I found this build very educational (at least for me) seeing as though it encouraged me to find a way to build a pretty complex vehicle inside the width of 6 studs. This was definitely a very interesting and fun model to build, so who knows - maybe I'll be building some more Lego trains in the future. As of right now my grand total for train - related MOCs is exactly 1, not something I'm very proud of. I shall not be building for the next 2 weeks, so I'm afraid no new posts will be popping up before then. Happy building!

Approximate build time: 30 minutes

Number of pieces: About 250

Availability of the pieces: The rarest pieces used in this MOC were the specially molded bricks for building trains. In this case the special wheels and axles. Besides that the crate in orangish-brown is pretty hard to come by (I believe I got mine in the hidden side restaurant set).

Favorite part of the build process: Making the MOC fit the width of 6 studs - it was a real challenge which I found very interesting.

Level of difficulty: Mediocre


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