Recruitment on Mon Cala (Dark Times RPG and MOC)

Originally this MOC was going to be a quick one day build built to just relax from castle building, but after building for one day I decided I would continue the project and make it larger than I originally planned. It is currently my largest MOC built for the Dark Times RPG, however not my highest scoring - it only scored 65 points (my previous speeder MOC won first place and earned me 75 points). I'm relatively pleased with the way this MOC came out, if I had had more time (and bricks) I would have made it large enough so I could add a starfighter of some sort. Originally this model was going to have a ceiling with blue light placed above them, but due to it seriously complicating photography I decided to do away with it. The ceiling would have worked if this model was meant to be a n immersive scene, however because this was not what I had planned I removed it.

Approximate build time: 6 hours

Number of pieces: I'd say about 1250

Availability of the pieces: No rare pieces were used in this model except the black whips, which are rather hard to come by. Besides that I can't think of any pieces that are especially rare.

Favorite part of the build process: Constructing the floor of the hangar. I know it may not seem lie the most interesting thing to do on earth, but to be honest it was a lot more interesting than building the lower and upper walls. Building the ceiling was pretty interesting, placing all of the detail such as pipes and cords, but because in the end I didn't add it into the MOC, I'm not counting it.

Level of difficulty: As long as you know basic texture adding techniques building this sort of MOC shouldn't be much of a problem. Besides those techniques it would be useful to know how to build certain crates, however those are fairly easy to construct and most people don't have a problem creating their own designs.

Below is the story that went with this MOC for the RPG:

://Begin Kas's Personal log\\:

The day of the Boonta speeder race was nearly upon us and Braik was constantly working on improving the speeder, which he had christened "the wraith". Now that more skilled racers had decided to participate, we all felt our chances of winning were growing slimmer every day, so it was important that we spent as much time as possible improving the Wraith's capabilities. Marcus and Veto kept him company, as they would be piloting the speeder during the competition and needed to know as much as possible about it's inner workings.

Although both Marcus and Veto are skilled pilots and can manage to control just about anything, it's definitely not their specialty. Me and Vace were tasked to locate and recruit two individuals who could permanently fulfill the function of pilots.

This is much harder than it sounds - most people back away and call the authorities when you say you want them to join an illegal gang of criminals. Thankfully, Vace assured me he knew a way to recruit two exquisite pilots without any problems occurring.

Following his lead, we traveled to Mon Cala. Upon arrival at Bel city, we were greeted by a hooded woman who introduced herself as Quash. What she was doing on Mon Cala, I don't know - my personal guess was she dealt in starship equipment...illegally of course, I'm not sure how Vace could have gotten in touch with her otherwise.

She led as down a couple of alleys and roads that evidently hadn't been used for a longer time. During our trip I attempted to start up a conversation using tried and true methods, such as commenting on the current nerf herding situation and the rising prices of death sticks, without success. Quash led us to a small rock outcrop near the edge of the sea where she approached a circular rock.

"This is the location, as requested," she said. After a quick nod to Vace, she turned away and began the trek back to the city.

I glanced at Vace. "Wow man, you've really got to introduce me to some more of your friends - I don't believe I've met anyone as sociable as her"

"She's more of an acquaintance than a friend," replied Vace. "We worked together in the same platoon when we defected - she, unlike the rest of us, enjoyed working for the Empire. Unfortunately, you can't exactly show up to work like nothing's changed after your whole troop has defected. She fled to Mon Cala in fear of her life."

"Then I'm guessing you two don't get along very well?" I asked.

"She despises me and everyone else from our platoon. I personally have nothing against her - I completely understand wanting to work for the Empire. I suppose it gives a nice sense of safety knowing you work for the largest military force in the galaxy. Still, I believe if she just got over it, she could enjoy her life outside the Empire - I certainly do."

"Then why exactly is she helping us out?"

Vace looked towards the fading figure of Quash in the distance. "She owes me," he said simply, and I could tell that was the only answer I was going to get.

Vace approached the circular rock, which upon closer inspection turned out to be a hatch. Having lifted the hatch he climbed inside and out of view. I followed behind, not understanding where we were going or what we were doing in any way.

We found ourselves in what seemed to be an underground hangar, completely invisible from above. This surprised me for a couple of reasons - first, building an underground hangar is incredibly hard and according to some, impossible. Second, once the Empire had taken control of Mon Cala all hangars had been deemed property of the Empire, yet as I looked around I didn't notice a single trooper in sight.

We were approached by a middle-aged man who, judging by his outfit, was a flight instructor.

"Welcome to the Bel city flight academy," he said. "My name is Serge Danga, I teach the elite class here at the academy. I suppose you're here to meet our students? "

Before I could ask one of my two million questions, Vace replied that we were and that we'd like to meet them as soon as possible.

"Can you please tell me what's going on?" I whispered to Vace. "We're supposed to be looking for skilled pilots, not school-aged rookies looking to impress their friends. Plus, where in the galaxy are we? I thought all flight academies on Mon Cala were closed or taken over due to imperial occupation."

Vace laughed. "You sound like an Imperial recruiter. Trust me, I think you'll be surprised with what some of these students can do to "impress" their friends, especially members of the elite class. As for our location, we are now walking through the hangar of one of the finest piloting schools in the galaxy. Its access is restricted of course, the academy directors don't want the imperials to realize an undercover and operating flight academy exists right under their noses.

Danga led us to the very center of the hangar where a group of young students equipped with flight suits were engaged in a conversation. Upon seeing Serge they halted their discussion and looked our way.

"Good evening cadets," said Danga. "I'd like you to meet sirs Vace and Kas. They're looking for two cadets to assist them in their power converter transportation services, if I remember correctly."

I raised an eyebrow and looked at Vace. He cleared his throat and addressed the group of students:

"About that - the truth is, we don't exactly transport power converters. I mean sure, we transport converters among other things, but it's not really what we specialize in."

"Just what do you specialize in then?" asked Danga.

Vace cleared his throat. Again.

"Well actually, we-,"

"We transport captives," I said, taking charge of the situation. "As well as spice, death sticks, blue milk, and just about anything that will gain us credits. Putting it simply, we're a band of smugglers and bounty hunters. If any of you want to join us and live a life of never-ending adventure and danger, but also full of credits, please speak up now."

If Danga appeared to be shocked at this news, it was nothing compared to the look on his face when after a moments' hesitation two cadets stepped forward; one a young woman, the other a Mon Calamari.

"My name is Charla, this is Frons," said the cadet, nodding towards the Mon Calamari.

"Do you accept the position we're offering?" asked Vace.

Charla glanced at Frons. "I think I speak for both of us when I say we'll take any chance that we come across to get off this lousy planet," she said. "Both of our parents were members of the underworld before they were killed by the Empire. I honestly won't mind following in their footsteps. What about you Frons?"

"As long as I get to take down some Imperials, I'm in," he growled.

"In that case, we'll be off," I said. "Charla, Frons, grab your stuff, our transport leaves at 2000 hours."

"Wha- wait, you can't do this!" sputtered Danga.

"As a matter'a fact I can," I said. "One, because if you cause any problems I'll spill the beans to the Empire about this little operation going on here and two," I smirked.

"We're Bounty Hunters, what you going to do?"

://End Kas's Personal log\\:
