Attack on the rebel base at Ilum (Moc)

I decided to build this rebel base from my own imaginaition after building numerous hoth bases, which were never as good as other hoth bases constructed. I figured I was the only person to ever build a Lego base on Ilum, so I could safely say it was the best one ever constructed :) Ilum, according to star wars fandom, was an ice planet like hoth. Because there is very liitle mention of Ilum in the Star Wars universe, I put in my own made up characters and vehicles. Unfortunately, I lack white bricks, so I couldn't fully finish the project, and I went for size not quality. The build features a DF.9 laser cannon (destroyed by the Empire), a renegade class rebellion speeder (made up by me), a defense trench, astromech droid mounting system, and rebel equipment. If you look closely, you may notice some characters from the blog's "troopers" comic. I don't know what chance they stand against Darth Vader, but I wish them good luck none the less.

The trench is taken by the Empire.

The rebel troopers, led by commander Greg, defend their keep.

Th droid mounting system. 
A sight no rebel wants to see: Darth Vader

As you can see by the unfinished railing, I stopped building this moc when I realized I lacked the bricks.

More unfinished railing.

The rebels dutifully defend their base. 
This battery box supplies the power for the lights

The DF.9 laser cannon, destroyed by the Empire!


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