Introduced into the LEGO world in 1977, the original town theme is one of the first three LEGO themes and the first LEGO City theme ever. The theme consisted of 15 different sub themes ranging from different places, from the airport to the police station. Seeing as though the theme started one year before the classic space and castle themes, it wasn't an official theme until 1978 in which the classic space theme and classic castle theme were founded. The first sets from 1977 had the build-able "homemaker figures". These figures were first produced in 1974 as random sets. They were discontinued in 1982. The official theme along with the other two original themes started in 1978 with the first minifigures. The very first minifigure in the town theme (and of all time) was the policeman figure. Most of the first minifigures had blank torsos and stickers that detailed the minifigure. Some of the first sets that were made that had cars couldn't hold minifigures. This was fixed later in the theme. The theme was discontinued in 1996.
This car was too small to hold minifigures! |
This set was the first fire set to feature the flame logo.
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