Lego fan glossary

The LEGO world has its' own acronyms and terms that fans use. I've listed the most common here;

People                                                            Bricks

AFOL-Adult fan of LEGO                                                        BURP-Big ugly rock piece

KFOL-Kid fan of LEGO                                                           Greebles- Very densely detailed areas                                                      

TFOL-Teen fan of LEGO                                                                

NLS-Non LEGO spouse

NLF-Non LEGO friend

AFFOL-Adult female fan of LEGO

NLSO-Non LEGO significant other

OKC- Ole Kirk Christiansen - The founder of LEGO

GKC-Godtfred Kirk Christiansen, the second LEGO CEO

KKK-Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen

FOLH-Fan of Lego Hejjo :)


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